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Bring element all to the front/back

0 votes


I would like to put a box behind some elements, but if I put the box into the scene, it is in front of the other elements.


Is there a way to bring it all to the back, without klicking through the menus (no hotkeys :( ) like a maniac?



in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Select all the nodes you want to put in the background, then right-click once to open the selection context menu and left-click once to choose "Lower Selection". And, no, there is currently no hot key to do that.

As an alternative, work with group nodes instead of manually layering elements.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks Thomas, I knew that function - but if there are many elements in many layers in the scene, this is no effective way to do it.
In other programs, there is the same function but it puts the selected element ALL into the background.

Grouping always adds these boxes around the elements, and that is not what I want.

In other programs, there is the same function but it puts the selected element ALL into the background.

Uhm, that is how the function works in yEd, too. If you select several nodes at once and then choose "Lower Selection" *all* the selected nodes are put in the background.

Ahh! I didn't understand it correctly. I have to deselect and reselect the element(s) after putting them into the background to see the result I think, that led me to the wrong conclusion.

Thanks again.
Same "ahh" here - I only now realized the actual "problem": yEd draws selected elements on top by default. However, it is possible to disable this feature. To do so, go to "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Display" and uncheck "Draw Selected Elements On Top".
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