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Linking of objects that are not parent / child to each other

0 votes
Is there a way to link objects together that are noch child or parent to each other? The ideal solution would show all linked objects in the window "Neighbourhood" placed around the active object and not (only) on the upper (parents) and lower (children) side.

For an example on how to use this please think of a production area with two (or more) machines where sometimes A delivers to B and sometimes B to A, so both machines are on the same level but still linked.

Thank you!
in Help by (140 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
In the neighborhood/successors/predecessors views all edges have the same meaning. Unfortunately, it is not possible to configure these views to consider some edges as parent-child relationships and some edges as weaker associations.

Actually, the BPMN layout algorithm is the only layout algortihm in yEd that works with different types of edges. However, that algorithm determines the edge type automatically depending on the connected BPMN nodes. Moreover, that algorithm can only be used in the main editor tab (the algorithm used in the context views cannot be replaced).
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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