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Details threshold setting is being ignored in full screen mode

0 votes

The setting Preferences/Display/"Paint Details Threshold" seems to be ignored when using full screen mode. This results in text not being displayed in full screen mode even when the threshold has been set to 0.0. I would expect the setting to apply to full screen mode as well, so I think it is a bug.

To reproduce:

  • create a new Document
  • set "Paint Detail Threshold" to 0
  • Create a single node containing the letter A, font size 100
  • Zoom way out
  • > text stays visible as expected
  • Go to full screen mode
  • Zoom way out
  • > text disappears long before it would become to tiny to read
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Thank you very much for your detailed error report. This problem will be fixed for the next yEd release.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
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