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save overwrites existing without prompt

0 votes
When I save a file, it overwrites an existing file of that name without prompting. I've never used a product which behaves this way and I consider it a bug. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a setting to say "confirm save if file already exists"?

in Help by
I totally agree. Especially when several users edit the file this problem is critical: Two users open same file and make changes. The last one saving (same file name) overwrites the changes of first user!

1 Answer

0 votes

No, there is no setting for "confirm save if file already exists".

Why do you actively select an existing file in the file chooser if you do not want to overwrite that file?

by [yWorks] (162k points)
I am not actively selecting an existing file. This is also an issue with the default file name.  But even if I was to actively select an existing file, the Windows style guide says that the application should ask for a confirmation.
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