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How can I change the default appearance of nodes?

+3 votes

I checked several questions already posted here and the manual, but I could not find the answer I needed. Maybe I was a little too dumb to identify it - in this case I'm sorry and hope you just point me to the right post...

Is there a way to change the default layout properties of elements?

For example: The BMPN task frame colour is blue by default:

1. How can I change that (e.g. into black)? So that all future elements of that type have a black frame?

2. How can I change all tasks in an existing flow chart to black frames? Strg+A is NOT an option in that case, as it also marks BPMN events (which shall not change frame colour).

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

in Help by (280 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes

Oh, I'm sorry - five minutes after this post I found the workaround for the first question myself: The trick is to define a new palette section, copy all BPMN elements in that section and then change the element properties there (which is not possible in the default sections).

For other DAUs like me ;-) I made a screenshot:

The second question still remains though...

by (280 points)
edited by
Thanks!  Workflow improved
+1 vote
Regarding the second question, there are two possible approaches.

1. Go to the "Current Elements" palette section. This section should display one entry per type of element in your diagram. Right-click the desired type template to open its context menu and choose "Select Matching Elements". You can tweak what yEd considers a type by choosing "Configure Distinctive Features" from the same context menu.

2. Select one element as usual. Then press and hold SHIFT. With SHIFT pressed, additional clicks (on elements that are not already selected) will expand the selection.

Of course, it is possible to combine the two approaches by expanding a selection from approach 1 with approach 2.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you very much for the quick response. That worked nicely! :-)
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