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Save a write protected file over the editor

+1 vote
If set my File *.graphml to write protected. Then I open this File with my yEd Editor, change something and Save this File with the same Name in the same Dictionary. I wondered me, because I could save the File and the write protected propety was removed!
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What operating system are using?

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
For saving, yEd first writes the diagram to a new temporary file with an arbitrary name, then deletes the original file, and finally renames the temporary file to the original name. The idea of this process is that the original file remains unchanged if the writing in step one fails. Unfortunately, we don't check the 'write-protected' attribute of the original file and it seems to be no problem to delete a 'write-protected' file in Windows. (At least, it's no problem to delete such files in Windows Explorer.)
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
The Reason to set the "write-protected" attribute is, that user can`t modify the correspondig File. Normaly the Editor should check the Attribute before the temporary File was renaming. Look at Word,Excel, TextEditor,Eclipse....all Programms are tell you that the File is not changeable.
0 votes
I´m using Windows XP
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