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How to create UML association class using yed?

0 votes

How to create an UML association class in yed? I tried creating association between a class and an existing association but couldnt. Any ideas? An example of an association class is given below for your reference

in Help by

1 Answer

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Since you cannot connect an edge to another edge, you need to introduce a helper node. Either split the "Student" -> "Course" edge using an additional size 1 node and connect that node to "Enrollment" or create a dummy node which you place on the "Student" -> "Course" edge, connect to the "Enrollment" node, and finally turn invisible by setting "Fill Color" and "Line Color" to "No Color".
Both approaches have some drawbacks, though. The most important one is the fact that yEd's layout algorithms will treat the dummy/helper node as a regular node which can lead to undesired results.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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