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How to obtain 2 straight lines between 2 nodes

0 votes

let's take 2 nodes (circle shape) with 2 edges in between. I would like to obtain 2 straight lines in parallel between my 2 nodes. If I choose the option Layout/Edge Router/Straight line, the 2 two edges are one above the other, and then we see only one straight line.

Thank you for your help.
in Help by (210 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Edit: Turns out I was mistaken.

Aside from manually adjusting the edge paths (either by selecting the edges and dragging the small black squares with the mouse or by specifying "Source Port X", "Source Port Y", "Target Port X", and "Target Port Y" in the edge properties), you can also use "Tools" -> "Route Parallel Edges" for this purpose.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
I did not ask the question but this is helpful to me (hence my vote).
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