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sequence diagram

+1 vote

do you have shapes for a sequence diagram?

in Help by

1 Answer

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The most common shape in sequence diagrams is a rectangle. Additionally, there are sometimes circles/ellipses in sequence diagram. Both of these shape types are available in several of yEd's palette sections (most notably in "Shape Nodes").
by [yWorks] (162k points)
as I know this http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/content/RationalEdge/feb04/3101_figure13.jpg

is a sequence diagram.
so the most common figures are lines.
I don't know a way in yEd to use lines and connect more then one line with another =)

So, by asking for "shapes" you actually meant "lines"? I suggest we stick to the technically correct terms "node" and "edge" for the rest of this post to prevent further misunderstandings.

Anyways, it is not possible to connect an edge to another edge in yEd. yEd is first and foremost an editor for graphs in the mathematical sense and in such graphs an edge is by definition a connection/relation between two nodes.

However, it is not necessary to be able to connect one edge to another edge to create a sequence diagram - and nothing in the diagram you linked to suggests otherwise. For a sample sequence diagram created with yEd see Support for Sequence diagrams in yEd.

That said, sequence diagrams are not really one of yEd's strong suits. You probably will have to be creative and use a couple of tricks here and there to make them look good. Moreover, there is no suitable layout algorithm for sequence diagrams in yEd.

ok so I will use nodes =)
I don't know who are the common users of yEd, but all guys I know who use yEd, create uml diagrams.

so I think it will be a good decision to make different modes or something like that.
anyone who use it can choose the right mode to create what they want.

If you want to create uml diagrams there is a uml mode.
For math specific things there is a mathematical mode
and many more.
Ah, the next misunderstanding. ;-)

I did not mean that most people do math specific things with yEd. I meant that diagrams created in yEd are (structurally) a special kind of diagram called "graph". However, not the chart type of graph (e.g. you cannot create a pie chart in yEd) but the mathematical type of graph whose definition is given in the Wikipedia article linked above.

The fact that all diagrams are graphs is an important prerequisite for many of yEd's more advanced features (most notably its layout algorithms).
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