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Background picture in dynamic mode

0 votes
When I want to add a background picture (file/preference), the dynamic mode does not work : I don't see the background picture... In other mode it works (the background appears), but not in dynamic mode...


Is it anything to do to arrange that ?
related to an answer for: Background image and Group Nodes
in Help by (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Dynamic works as intended. This is a rather esoteric setting that places the background image at diagram location (0, 0). Additionally, a dynamic background image is affected by scrolling and zooming. You can verify that dynamic works by removing all elements from your diagram, then creating a single node, explicitly specifying (0, 0) as the node's location, and finally using "View" -> "Fit Content".

Are you sure that dynamic is the background image behavior you need? All other available behaviors are much more common.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
I would like to have the possibility to size the background picture as I want, to lock it, and then that the background follow the zoom in the same proportion than nodes and edges...
Well, scale the background image to the desired size in an image editor such as Photoshop or GIMP before displaying it in yEd.
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