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How to keep node and edge position for further xls import

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I'm using Yed to display electric network information. I import xls file with nodes (=substations) and edges (=electric lines between substations). I also import native geographical position to visualize the network geographically, and it also put nodes always at the same place (for every xls import).

The thing is that I often have to move some nodes (edges)  manually on the graph to make it more understandable. The problem is that I loose my changes when I import a new xls dataset (same substations and edges but for example different flows between substations).

Is it possible for example to export my final nodes and edges position to fix definitely in my xls files ? or another solution ?
in Help by (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you import geographical positions with your xls import, you need to manually update those positions in your xls data whenever you move nodes in the graph accordingly.

Unfortunately, there is no way to automatically synchronize these changes.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
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