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What type of Java? or better yet, why is YEd working in my computer without Java?

0 votes

I understand your sofware is written in Java.  However do not know what kind of Java.

I cannot find where Java is installed on my computer or enabled in my browser.

I have head the it is importantt to keep Java updated to protect my computer from attacks.


in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

If you download the yEd installer file from the main download page, you don't have to care about Java. This yEd package comes with its own Java version and includes it in such a way that it can only be used from yEd but not from any other software or, for example, from any Web page. Therefore, you don't have to care about updating it. With every new release of yEd, we take care to update this private Java as well to get new features or error corrections.

by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
Does this mean I not not need to worry about the security issues common with Java?
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