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Multiple editing of label when there are several labels per node.

+1 vote
I happen to have several labels per node. I have mapped different data to each label.

Now I would like to place information in label 2 inside the node and information in label 1 outside the node for all nodes.

How can I select only one label?
in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
Labels be selected like other elements by clicking them. If there are several elements at the same location, for example interior node labels, keep the Control key pressed while clicking to cycle through all elements at the mouse location.

Unfortunately, it's not easily possible to select all first or all second labels at once.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
To have the possibility to select all first or all second labels at once would be a great feature in the future.

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0 votes
To select a single node label, left-click on the label. If this results in the node being selected or another (overlapping) label being selected, use CTRL+left-click to cycle the selection through all elements at the click position until the label you want is selected.

There is currently no support in yEd to select the first (or second or third) label of every node at once.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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