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Is there some connector functionality that I am missing?

0 votes
To keep it simple...

I had a connector from left side of a shape ("shape A") to another shape.

Now I want one from the right side of the "Shape A" to a third shape.

I can't seem to be able to do it.  

No line functionality that I see.
in Help by

3 Answers

+2 votes

Linda got it almost right. ;-)

If your start node is not selected, move the mouse over the node, press and hold the left mouse button, and drag the mouse to the desired end node. When you release the mouse over the end node, a new straight-line edge using the default edge style will be created. If you release the mouse over empty space, a bend will be created. Each additional left click on empty space will create an additional bend. A right click will remove the last bend or (if there are no more bends), cancel edge creation altogether. When left clicking on a node, the edge is created.

The default edge style is the style in the palette that has a blue background. Double-click on another style changes the default style. (Node styles are handled the same way.)

If your start node is selected, an edge can only be created by dragging an edge style from the palette onto the selected node. Afterwards left clicks on empty spaces will create bends, left click on a node will create the edge, and right clicks  will remove bends/cancel edge creation (as above).

by [yWorks] (162k points)
+1 vote

You can always start an edge at an unselected node by clicking and dragging. Since dragging a selected node moves it, it is important to unselect it first. Here is a manual page describing user interaction: http://yed.yworks.com/support/manual/edit_mode.html

by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
That manual page is very thorough but a bit of a read when you're just starting on yEd. A few screenshots like Thomas made in one of his answers earlier today would make it an easier read :)
I agree that some of the sections in the manual are a bit cumbersome to read. Unfortunately, we haven't found the time to improve this, yet.

But then, we have this entertaining yEd video tutorial as well ;-) :
*like* :)
0 votes
Sometimes you can draw the line connector (called edge in yEd) from one shape to another contineously. Sometimes you have to keep dragging the arrow from the palette to the starting shape and then click the destination shape.

I haven't figured out how that exactly happens; I think that double clicking the edge in the palette makes it set to the default and makes it possible to contineously draw lines. But it is also important wheter you have a shape (called node in yEd) selected or not.

In short: I think it is possible to draw multiple lines. Drag the arrow from the palette if you want to be sure you'll be making a line.
by (440 points)
Your guess is correct, double-clicking an icon in the palette makes this the default for new element of this type: http://yed.yworks.com/support/manual/palette.html
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