I'd like to have some help on subprocesses as I encounter difficulties and do not clearly see the differences between the different folded/collapsed/separate screen situations. I'll describe my movements, maybe you can suggest beter moves or clarify a bit the architecture?
I create a subprocess by dragging the Subprocess Activity node from the palette to the drawing panel. With F2 or by going to the properties, tab "General", I describe the process. The process appears in the Structure view as a folder with the just entered description.
When I click the '+' sign, the node "opens" and the text disappears. I understand the node is now a mini-screen, but the description in the Structure view disappears.
Now I find it a bit clumsy to drag nodes from the palette into the expanded subprocess node. Most of the time I have already drawn part of the process and just want to drag it into the expanded node. Which doesn't work; someone else already brought this up
I work my way around by using the Structure view: I select all the nodes I want to have moved and drag them to the subprocess' folder.
When the subprocess is small, working within an expanded node works fine, but I prefer to have a full screen. So then I doubleclick within the node and all subprocess appears in a new screen. The description of the subprocess is back on the folder in the Structure view.
I suspect the disappearing and reappearing of the description has to do with having a different label. Does this also serve a functional purpose, like is there a reasone one would name the collapsed subprocess differently than an expanded one in the Structure view?
And what's the difference between the nodes "Task Activity (Open)" and "Subprocess Activity", manually expanded by clicking the '+' sign?
I'd like to add: when collapsing the nodes within the nodes, the parent node adjusts its size to meet the needs of the subprocess. But when collapsing to go up in the schema, the parent node keeps taking up the space and the edges are not the same anymore either. I find this very annoying as I'd have to re-layout after a collapse to keep a compact overview. Is it possible to skip the collapsing and go straight to the full screen view?