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How can I save the sequence of elements and transparent Lanes?

0 votes

It seems that some features are not saved when editing a BPMN-diagram:

1. The sequence of elements (to put one element behind the other)

2. The lane colour transparency of BPMN pool nodes


The next time I re-open the diagram, these properties are gone. What do I have to do to save them?



in Help by (280 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes
Thank you very much for the detailed screenshots.

Unfortunately, there is currently no workaround for these two issues.
The first issue (drawing sequence) will be fixed in the next yEd release.
I have added a request for improvement regarding the missing support for transparent lane colors to our internal issue tracking system. I hope we will be able to implement this for the next release, too - no promise, though.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
0 votes
Supported as of yEd 3.11.1.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
Thank you! :-)
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