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How to write plugin for yEd?

+2 votes
I have some functions written with C++ . They are taking graph and counting some parameters for it . So I need to make graph with yEd and then run my functions with plugin or something like this. How to do it?

Thanks  in advance.
in Help by
It's shocking that yEd doesn't have a plugin architecture. I made a feature request for one. We'll see how that goes :P http://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/8901/open-source-plugin-architecture

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, yEd does not provide a plugin framework. Therefore, it is currently not possible to incorporate custom features/functions into yEd.

The best you can do is storing your graph as GraphML, then opening said GraphML in your own program and running your functions.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Does yFiles provide a plugin framework?
It would be a nice addition if yEd was able to custom plugins made with your library.
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