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"File not found" error in opening yED LIve xml files

0 votes

Hi yED live community,

I recently tried to open several yED editable files (graphml.xml file extension) that I have saved in google drive. I worked with these files in November, and need to make some further edits.

In trying to open the file in the yED live browser platform, I received the following error message:

File not found: 1-95IGJhAPBasSfmDuo_-7JQ0WsxkWgmY.

I'm hoping someone else has encountered this error and can provide some guidance. I am working on a Mac OS Sonoma 14.7.2 but I am using the browser version of yED live in Firefox. I will see if I get the same error in a different browser, or in the desktop version of yEd live.

thank you,


in Help by

1 Answer

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Hi Jennifer,

please note the you can also use the feedback form in yEd Live (e.g. in the application header on the top right corner, or via "Menu" -> "Feedback") to contact us directly from within the application.

Nevertheless, thank you for pointing this out. I have seen this once in the past but assumed that it was just some weirdness of my client system.
I noticed that this only happens for older files and I was not able to find the actual root cause to this.

You can workaround this by downloading the file through the Google Drive UI (e.g. open it in a separate browser window) and then load it in yEd Live again.

Then, if you export it to Google Drive again (from within yEd Live), loading from Google Drive seems to work again.

I will create a ticket in our internal issue tracker since it does not seem to be a one-time incident anymore.

- Fabian
ago by [yWorks] (1.5k points)
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