I created a custom symbol for yEd with Inkscape. It's a very simple symbol, the time event symbol from UML Activity diagrams.

What happens is that, whenever I use it as a node and try to connect it to an edge, the edge always snaps to the exact centre of the symbol. This looks confusing when the edge is coming in vertically.
Is there a way to define a custom symbol where there are snapping points where I want them? Either in yEd itself, or while drawing the symbol? I could imagine putting a tiny (or invisible) dot where I want to have the snap happen, if this would work.
I saw that this has been asked as a question before, https://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/5151/how-specify-additional-connection-nodes-for-custom-shapes?show=5151#q5151. But doing it manually every time I use my symbol is tedious. So I'm adding this now as a feature request.