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Could it be made possible to have arrows/edges in multiple colors?

0 votes

I'm working on a huge sociogram with this software (about 140 nodes), but unfortunately it forces me to dramatically oversimplify the often one-sided dynamics I need to include for this project.

I know this is a bit of a long shot to be asking for, but if you guys would be so kind as to include something like that if you make another update I wouldn't even begin to describe how grateful I'd be. It'd also be nice to see if I can just edit the size of the arrows entirely so they're all visible beyond just thin black lines when I'm zoomed to fit everything on one screen.

in Feature Requests by
yEd switches to a less-detailed rendering mode if the editor area's zoom factor drops below a certain value. (The default threshold is 0.3.) If that happens, edges are rendered without arrows. You can turn off this behavior by changing the "Paint Details Threshold" value to 0 in "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Display".

Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that there will be support for rendering edges with multiple colors.

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