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Automatically group into swimlanes

0 votes
Is there a way to automatically add nodes to swimlanes based on excel spreadsheet data?

An example would be if I had a "processes" column in excel and in the swimlane diagram I had all of the processes laid out, could I automatically layout based on that?


Another thing that could work for me would be automaticaly grouping based on node data, rather than just connectivity.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Grouping was added to the Excel import in the latest release 3.11, therefore you can group your nodes based on data already at the import.

Using swimlanes instead of regular group nodes for grouping is currently not supported by the Excel import. If your diagram is not what large and you don't need to create the diagram regularly, I suggest to create regular groups during the import and rearrange the diagram manually using multi-selction of all nodes of the same group in the strucutre view.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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