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spacing line (?) has disappeared

0 votes
I'm not totally sure how to describe this problem... my apologies for the vagueness in wording. yEd has this feature where if you add a new node and place it next to a node it tells you if it's in a straight line, or if it's between two nodes, tells you if it's midway between them. I took a screenshot, and now that automatic... alignment? ... doesn't seem to be working. I tried reloading an older file, restarting the computer, reinstalling yEd, but none of those seem to have an effect. I'm pretty sure I just toggled off some option somehow, but I have no idea how to get it back.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

You are looking for a feature called "Snap Lines". You can toggle this feature on and off in several ways:

  • "View" -> "Snap Lines",
  • hotkey F9,
  • fifth tool bar button from the right.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
That did it. Thank you! I am both pleased and embarrassed that it was an easy fix.
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