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Tree layout based on a subset of edges

0 votes

I have a directed graph with the following features:

  • Each edge has exactly one of two labels, A or B.
  • When considering only the A edges, the graph is a tree (edges from parent to children).
  • There are no restrictions on the B edges.

Is there a way to layout the graph using the tree layout so that I get the tree corresponding to the restriction to A edges, with the B edges filled in however yEd thinks best?

The details:  I have an abstract syntax tree, with AST edges (A) and data flow edges (B).

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd does not offer an interface to specify tree and non-tree edges for tree layout. The algorithm will determine these automatically.

Unfortunately, this means the algorithm might choose B edges as tree edges.

If there are only very few B edges, you could first remove the B edges, then arrange your syntax tree, re-insert your B edges, and finally run an edge routing algorithm on the B edges.
by [yWorks] (162k points)

Unfortunately, since the graph is actually produced by another program (with GraphML output), I cannot use your suggestion.
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