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Choose a printer without printing? (printing workflow)

0 votes

normally i

  1. think about what papersize, color, paper or pdf
  2. choose the right printer from the pool
  3. do the settings for the printer (papersize...)
  4. do other settings offered the software
  5. looking at the preview
  6. print

in yed, i am not able to choose the printer whithout starting the printing-process immediately. Remebers me at the behaviour of the printing icons in ms-software (out of the box-settings), starting the printing process-immediately too, whitout giving you the chance to change anything... . this might be good for homeusers whith one printer.

I think yed chooses the default-printer -o.k. - but let us change before printing please.....

Or do i make a mistake?



in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Simply use "File" -> "Print Preview" whenever your want to print. If offers all settings available for print.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
that is what i did!
but in "Print Preview" dialog i have 5 buttons to choose.
2 are for zooming
"settings..." does not let me choose a printer
"page setup..." does not let me choose a printer (i.e. i'm not able to choose the big "A0" paper size now, because a smaler printer is "preset", and i'm not able to change it in this dialog. would be the right place here)
"printing..." here i am able to chose the printer, but:
it will immediately start the printing. I'm not able to leave the dialog (just changing the printer) without printing. (....that is what the button says...)

i understand, that is possible to do all the setup (of course), but the ordner is not "computer-standard" and producing usless paper.
the printing-process is a little "restricted", so i need to do a little optimisation (i.e. moving some elements in my graph, posterize the printing in 2 piece of paper... and for all this i need the preview setup whith the right printer and its paper-sizes. the printing itself is minutes away...)

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