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How to export graphml file to Inkscape as editable?

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I have a .graphml file that I need to open in Inkscape. I've tried saving it as .SVG as well as .EMF format. Those can be opened in Inkscape, but only as a single image that cannot be edited as in yEd. Is there any way to provide an editable version of a graphml file to Inkscape?
in Help by

1 Answer

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Best answer

Inkscape is not a graph editor, but a vector drawing application. If you want to edit a graph as a graph, use yEd or (yEd Live).

That said, if you export your graph to SVG, Inkscape is able to edit the resulting SVG document in the same way it is able to edit all other SVG documents. (All SVG elements in a yEd created SVG document reside in a top-level SVG group. Thus you probably need to ungroup those elements before you can edit individual ones.)

by [yWorks] (161k points)
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