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Does Layer supported in yed.

0 votes

We watch youtube tutorial about yfiles for hierarchical layout in yfiles. It utilizes layers to define which one is at topmost.

Does this features also supported in yed ?

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Well, sort of.

yEd does not offer a way to explicitly specify a layer for a node. However, you can try the following approach:

  1. Run "Layout" -> "Hierarchic" on your diagram. Make sure options "Selected Elements Incrementally" and "Use Drawing As Sketch" on tab "General" in the hierarchic layout settings are turned off.
  2. Use the mouse to move nodes to different positions.
  3. Run "Layout" -> "Hierarchic"a second time, but this time make sure "Use Drawing As Sketch" is turned on.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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