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Label alignment does not seem to work

0 votes
I am running version 3.23.2 on Linux (Ubuntu)

I always see labels (text) center aligned, no matter what alignment I choose. Operator error? Does the alignment setting refer to some other behavior? If so, is there a way to align the text?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Please see Label alignment not working for an explanation on how label alignment works.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Sorry, found out how it works. This is a result of 'abuse'. There is no way (that I could find) to just place text in the diagram. So I used some random symbol and made the lines and background invisible. This ends up creating a somewhat confusing situation in the relationship between the invisible symbol and the text and can create situations where the text alignment appears not to work.

Perhaps you can implement a text/label component that works in a more natural way.
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