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yEd v.3.23.2 requires system 10.12 in both versions

0 votes
Although its website clearly says that version 3.23.2 of yEd is offered in two versions, one valid from system 10.8 and the main one from 10.11, this is not true. Both versions come in an application with the Apple prohibited symbol, and when double-clicking from a 10.11 system it declares that it is mandatory to require a 10.12 system. I understand that they do not offer a version compatible with these systems today, but at a minimum they should declare which systems are compatible, both the application itself and the packaging or final generation of it that is done from new versions of Xcode.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Thank you very much for letting us know. The macOS descriptions have been corrected.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
edited by
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