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UML class node without attribute row

0 votes
Hi, I want to create interface nodes without an attributes cell, which I dont need on interfaces, since they only have methods.

How can I achieve that?

Currently I tried using the UML class node, but cant get rid of that attribute row it has. If I leave attributes empty there is still the double line, which takes too much space and does not look good. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

yEd's UML node will always display two divider lines if either attributes or methods are specified.

If you need a node with only one divider line, you can use a rectangular node from the "Shape Nodes" palette section with three labels, one for the class name, one for the method names, and one for the divider line. The idea is to use an empty label with a black border, 0 insets, and "Size" set to "Fit Node Width" to create a divider.
See this GraphML sample.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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