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How to prevent yEd from combining nodes (excel import)

0 votes


my goal: based on my data i want to create this kind of graph:

My problem: you can see that the node "b" and "cc" appear twice each. when importing the excel file, yEd will combine the "b" and "cc" nodes each. so instead of four nodes i am left with two.

my data is in the following format:

any idea on how to prevent yEd from aggregating nodes that it should not aggregate?

any help is appreciated!


in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

yEd does not "aggregate nodes". It creates one node for each node ID in your data set. If you need two nodes with the same label, create two nodes with different IDs but the same label:

The above example will result in the following graph:

by [yWorks] (162k points)
This helped, thank you!
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