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Can I disable node combing

0 votes

    I have figured out how to make a flow chart by importing a spreadsheet. However I have discovered that nodes/edges in the spreadsheet that have the same name are combined together in the flow chart. How can I disable this?

   What I would like to see if a each node/edge ahs its own unique "symbol" even if the node names are the same name
in Help by (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
To do that, use the "Node List" import and create (at least) two colums, one with unique IDs and one with (possibly duplicate names). After the import, you can use yEd's properties mapper ("Edit" -> "Properties Mapper") to map names to label text.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
thanks for the response. I will have to come up with a easy way to create unique node names
Just enumerate your nodes "1", "2", "3", ...

  I have tried using the node list and the "Properties Mapper". I can see how to change the text that is displayed in the "shapes" that are used in the flowchart. However I cannot see how to avoid the "duplicate nodes". I am trying to make a flowchart from a spreadsheet that has the following characteristics:
1.) The node names on the edge list" are not unique
2.) Each shape has a single input arrow and a single output error. (except the first and last shape)

  Is there a way that I can see and output file to my flow chart that would perhaps be a better way to explain the issue I am having?
Uploading files to this forum is describe here: http://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/1734/
0 votes

As Thomas already said, you need a unique ID for each node to create the node and to describe the connecting edges between the correct nodes. A good way to do this is to use numbers "1", "2", "3",. In other columns, you can have label texts or any other data. Since this data isn't used to identify nodes, any number of nodes, or even all nodes, can have the same data values and names.

Note that there is no special 'conversion' for the input data. The created diagram will contain exactly one node for each unique node ID and one edge for each row in the edge list data range.

If I understand your example graph correctly, one of the problematic nodes is 'Update Display'. Instead of a node with 4 incoming and four outgoing edges, you want to have four nodes with one incoming and one outgoing edge instead. To achieve this, the Excel file must contain four rows with different IDs but the same text in the 'Name' column cells. Please see this Excel file for the correct data for this part of your diagram: http://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=8677134676228643102

The corresponding Excel import settings are these: http://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=7982193948023418365

On the 'Presentation' tab, set the 'Label Text' of nodes to 'Name' to see the node names.

by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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