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Import dialogue not appearing - cannot import Excel

0 votes
Hi, when I click Open > select my XML file, rather than opening the Import Dialogue box that I see on all the videos and manuals, the system gives me a box called 'XML input' which has two boxes asking me for information: XSL file for... and Custom XSL file...

I have no idea what to input here, and therefore no idea how to import my Excel matrix. What am I missing??

Many thanks.
in Help by

1 Answer

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Best answer

Depending on your operating system, the file chooser dialog for opening files should have a "Files of type" drop-down list. You need to choose "MS Excel 2007 XML (*.xlsx)" to import an Excel file. (From your description, it seems that you are currently using the "XML + XSL (*.*)" file type.)

Please see chapter File Formats in the yEd Manual for more information on supported file formats.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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