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Fit Node to Label

0 votes

I went to the settings for the "fit node to label" option in the "tool" tab. I changed a setting or ticked a box that I shouldn't have because since then, when I want to use this option, it doesn't work and the settings are no longer displayed.
How can I get the "fit node to label" settings to appear again?

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

There are two possible causes I can think of:

  1. You turned off option "Show Modules Dialog" in "File" -> "Preferences" on tab "Modules".
  2. You docked the "Fit Node to Label" dialog and managed to hide the docked settings. In this case, "Windows" -> "Reset Window Layout" should restore the "Fit Node to Label" dialog.

None of the above remedies is specific to "Fit Node to Label", though.
"Show Modules Dialog" affects layout settings and other tool settings;
"Reset Window Layout" affects all docked or non-docked UI components in yEd.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
the "Reset Window Layout" solution worked, thanks for your quick response.
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