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How can I select nodes by textual/numerical data property with Complete option?

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I tried to select nodes by their data properties with Select Elements inserting a textual or numerical value in the 'Text' tab, but, when I choose 'Match Text' as 'Complete' the nodes are not selected. I have to use instead 'Prefix Match' or other choices, which are not completely correct and ideal in my case. Is there maybe anything I am doing wrong?

Thank you in advance!
in Help by
Can you provide an example of your property values and your selection criterion?
Thank you Thomas for your answer!
I tried to gain some insight into the problem by analysing the exported graphml source file I open in yEd; I think that maybe the issue is due to how yEd reads and elaborates the input file originating from an other application which I'm using to obtain the graphml file. Some nodes feature a location property that is defined as a string '<LOCATION_NAME>', when I try to select these said nodes by inserting the string value into the property tab with the Complete Match option I obtain nothing. If I instead opt for Prefix Match or Infix Match I'm able to get the results. As I said before, it could be possible that the app I'm using might have altered the format of the generated source file and then yEd adds some spaces or void characters to the original values.

Unfortunately, I do not think there is anything we can do to help you, if you do not want to provide an actual example (i.e. a GraphML file) and an exact description of your selection criterion.

While there have been problems with additional line breaks in GraphML files due to incompatible changes in Java's XML framework, these problems were always related to writing GraphML files, never to reading GraphML files.

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