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How can I create a flowchart from a spreadsheet

0 votes

     I would like to be able to create a flowchart from a spreadsheet. I have played around with the example of adjacency matrix, edge and node lists. My spreadsheet file contains the name of every state that the state machine uses.

So how do I create a flowchart that has all of the states (nodes) with lines connecting each state (node?). Or should I be using a adjacency matrix?
in Help by (180 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
Almost always, an edge list is the better choice since it contains only entries for connections that actually exist. In contrast, an adjacency matrix has a cell for every possible connection, that is one for every pair of nodes. Additionally, in yEd, an edge list allows you to specify an arbitrary number of data items for each connection.

Note that the Excel import generates regular graphs, only. To make the symbols look like a flowchart, you have to set appropriate styles manually after importing. To display data values imported from the Excel file (e.g. names as labels), you can use either the Presentation tab of the the import dialog or the Properties Mapper: http://yed.yworks.com/support/manual/properties_mapper.html
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
thank you for getting back to me. I will look at the info you mentioned
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