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How to select or filter specific edges and nodes connected with them?

0 votes

I want to filter one, specific edge type (with red color) and every node which is connected with them. Unfortunately there is probably no filter tool which hide/show (is it?) define elements, but I can select every different elements and delete them in purpose of show my needed elements only.

And there is a question: how can I select (or better: invert select) both defined edge type and every node connected with them. I don't know how to add some elements to already selected ones and I also want to know how invert already done selection.

in Help by (280 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
You cannot select nodes and edges at the same time in yEd. Moreover there is currently no way to invert an existing selection.

Adding additional elements to an existing selection can be done by pressing and holding SHIFT when clicking on additional elements (or marking them with a selection box) or by using "Tools" -> "Select Elements".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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