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How do I make the data from my structure show as labels?

+1 vote
Hi all!

I'm new at using this software. I've found that I am unable to get data from my spreadsheet to be a label for a node. I have a simple spreadsheet. One column is for names of people and the other column is for their department. The actual design of the chart/graph looks how I would like it to - except there are no labels present. I don't know which employee is which. Do I have to type in the labels by hand?

Thank you for any help - I haven't been able to find the answer here yet. I'm creating this at work, so I am not able to browse the information with as much time as necessary to find my answer.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi! If your nodes should have a single label with the name in it, you can set this on the 'Presentation' tab of the Excel import dialog: simply select the Excel column containing the names as 'Label Text'.

If you need more than one label, you have to use the Properties Mapper tool (in Edit menu) to map the Excel data (called Custom Properties in yEd) to a visual representation. Any node can have an unlimited number of labels. Please see the manual pages about 'Properties Mapper' and the Excel import for details:

Please note that the handling of nodes with several labels can be rather cumbersome. Maybe the simpler approach to show several data cells as label is to combine the cells already in Excel. If a cell contains multi-line text, yEd will preserve this.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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