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xsl transform (ant->graphml) does not generate edges for targets with many dependencies

0 votes

When opening a build.xml ant script (filetype: XML + XSL , xsl file 'Ant Script'), yEd does not generate edges for targets that have many dependencies (attribute "depends")

I would be willing to fix it if the file "ant2graphml.xsl" (contained inside yed.jar) is released under a permissive license

Ant build.xml example:


<project name="example" basedir=".">
    <target name="init"/>
    <target name="run-1" depends="init"/>
    <target name="run-2" depends="init"/>
    <target name="run-all" depends="run-1,run-2" />
References to 'run-all' should come from 'run-1' and 'run-2', but that doesn't happen
yEd version is 3.10.2


in Feature Requests by (120 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
Will be fixed in the next version of yEd. Thank you very much for reporting.
by [yWorks] (162k points)

Thomas, is there any possibility of releasing "ant2graphml.xsl" (and maybe other xsl files contained inside yed.jar) under a free/open source license ? It would be useful for adding new features...
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