I need to create a graph which is aligned to a geographic map (i.e. Switzerland) with nodes representing Cities/locations. I don't mind to tweak the graph manually to make it fit to the geography. However, I did not manage to get a background image aligned with the graph not in the editor, nor in the output. So far the best procedure I ended up with, is:
- squared background image (Swiss map and a ruler with concentric circles for testing)
- background image preference set to "stretched" ("dynamic" and other options don't appear to work)
- export to PDF, "original size", "visible" (currently set to A4; my target is A0 (which has worked fine for the stand alone graph which, unfortunately does not reflect the geography)
- in any case, one needs to resize the canvas as the background does not, the graph, however, does scale with zooming
I have tried systematically many variants/options, all ending up in unsuccessful trial-and-error.
- what are the bases for scaling background and graph; i.e. which scaling factor and option to apply where?
- is there any possibility to scale background with graph in the editor/canvas?
- pixel formats (PNG, JPG,..) seem to be worse compared to PDF
- is yEd (using V3.22 desktop) the right tool?
- do you have any advise for me?
I must admit that I'm hopelessly stuck after a lot of trial and error. I have also consulted the Help and Q&A many years back.
With best regards,