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Cannot save due to an Exception occuring

0 votes
When I try to save a diagram I get the following exception:

URI has an authority component.
in Help by
Please provide more information.
What version of yEd are you using? What version of Java are you using? What operating system are you using? (See "Help" -> "About" for that information.) Moreover, please add a screenshot of the error message and include the destination file path of the save operation.
yED version is 3.0.2. Java is 1.5.0-04. Operating system is Windows XP. I am trying to save to a network drive. It appears to save OK if I save to a local non-synchronized drive - so I can work around this. However, I was hoping to save a network drive so that a few of us could work on the file as needed. The graph is created from an Excel file containing project names and project dependencies.

1 Answer

0 votes

Thank you very much for the additional information.

Well, this could by a Java problem. Older versions (such as the 1.5.0-04, you are using) are known to have problems with non-local file paths. Please try to upgrade to the latest yEd version (3.10.2 as of this writing) and either update your Java installation to the latest Oracle Java (7u21 as of this writing) or use a yEd installer with a bundled JRE.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
Thanks for the info - I'm doing this particular work from a locked down corporate machine so can't install anything. I'll try getting the latter version of yEd and see if this helps. But I can live with the work around.
Thanks again for your answer.
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