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Import icons but use file names as tooltips

0 votes
When I import icon sets such as Azure, Kubernetes, AWS etc, the file names usually contain the meaning of the icon.  For example:  Azure's network folder has a file called 10064-icon-service-DNS-Zones.svg, which I understand to be the DNS Zone icon.  But when I import these into yEd, the icons appear ok but there is no explanation as to what the name of the icon file is, making it extremely difficult to make use of them correctly.  I have to use the original directory containing the icons as a look-up to visually compare them, which is dreadfully tedious.  How do I import them and retain a tooltip based on the original file name?
in Help by (910 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Unfortunately, yEd cannot create tool tips for imported node symbols. If you need tool tips for imported symbols, you will have to specify these tool tips manually:

  1. Create a user-defined palette section.
  2. Import symbols into the user-defined palette section.
  3. Right-click the user-defined palette section to open its context menu and choose "Convert to Document".
  4. Select a node in the new document.
  5. Go to the properties view in yEd's lower right corner and set the property "Palette ToolTip" to the desired tool tip text.
  6. Repeat for all nodes (and edges) in the document.
  7. Open the user-defined palette section's context menu again and choose "Adopt from Document".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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