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An 'Apply' button on all layout dialog boxes

0 votes
It's trial and error trying to get the desirable layout in a diagram.  This is made more difficult in the absence of an Apply button in the layout dialog boxes.  Currently one must click OK to apply the layout and observe the results, only then to have to re-open the dialog box, and find the control that was being experimented with and do the whole thing again, over and over again in most cases.  An apply button would render the results without having to leave the control / and tab in the dialog box.  Please add this.  Apply an apply button :)
in Feature Requests by (910 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Dock the layout settings dialog of the algorithm you are testing to use its tabular user interface.

Dialog user interface:

Tabular user interface:

The "Play" button in the tabular user interface is "Apply".

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks for the suggestion Thomas.  I'd class this still as a workaround though as now I need to sacrifice some dock space to take up this new docked panel.  An apply button would be the proper solution.  Can I leave this here in feature requests?
Of course, you can leave this in the feature requests category. My reply does not in any way diminish or invalidate your request.
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