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How to reconnect an edge from a node to a component inside the node

0 votes
I have a node (A) connected to another node (B) with an edge, and node A has another node inside it (AA).  I want to re drag the edge coming from A to B so that the connection is from AA to B.  However if I select the handle on A and drag it on top of AA, AA does not focus and so I cannot drop the connection there.  As a bad workaround I must reconnect A to an arbitrary node and then I am allowed drag the handle onto AA.  It seems AA being inside A prevents me from dragging the handle from A to AA.
in Help by (910 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, there is no better way to reconnect an edge from a group node to one of its child nodes.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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