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yEd collapsed groups not inheriting color

0 votes
If I set a node group background colour to grey and then collapse it, the collapsed group turns blue, or a different colour other than grey.  How do I stop this and make the collapsed group inherit the previous colour?
in Help by (910 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Unfortunately, yEd does not offer an "adopt color from expanded group" setting for collapsed groups, nor does it offer "adopt color from collapsed group" for expanded groups.

However, if you already know that you will never change the color of your collapsed and expanded groups after the initial color change, you could use custom default styles for your collapsed and expanded groups that already have the desired color.

To do that,

  1. create a user-defined palette section,
  2. create an expanded group node and set the desired color,
  3. add the expanded group node to the new palette section,
  4. collapse the group node and set the desired color,
  5. add the collapsed group node to the new palette section, and finally
  6. go to the new palette section and set the templates corresponding to the collapsed and expanded group nodes as default templates (open the context menu for each template and choose "Use as Default").
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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