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All icons on the ribbon disappear and 2 monitors work

0 votes

First issue
Usually, I work with 2 monitors and when I move YeD from one monitor to another it can't fit to the screen automatically. How I can fix this?

Second issue
All the icons disappeared from the ribbon. I tried to reinstall the solution, but the result is the same. How I can fix this?
in Help by
Re. first issue:

On which operating system are you using yEd?

Are you using different resolutions on your displays?

Re. second issue:

When exactly does this happen? I have been using yEd with a two-display setup since forever and having two displays never resulted in the toolbar vanishing.
I too have the problem that the icons and menus are disappearing and become non-clickable. I tried different Java versions: it works up to Java 15 but fails starting from Java 16. The latest that I have tried is Java 17. I am on Windows 10, with display scale at 150% (single screen though).

Exact versions tried:
Oracle works
AdoptOpenJDK works
AdoptOpenJDK works
AdoptOpenJDK glitches
Temurin glichtes


AdoptOpenJDK glitches
Temurin glichtes

At the time of this writing, yEd supports Java 8 up to and including Java 15.

The best advice I can give is to install yEd from one of the installers with bundled Java runtime environment. This prevents problems due to incompatible Java versions.

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