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How to print flowchart in color?

0 votes
I have created a flow chart, using the flowchart shapes. These appear light blue-gray on the screen, and in print preview, but are printed as gray on a color printer (which is set to print in color).

How can I get the flow chart to print in color, as it is shown on the screen?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Typically, color printers have the option to print black-and-white, grayscale, or color (since the first two are usually much cheaper). So, you need to choose the right print mode. How that is done depends on your printer (and operating system).

E.g. my printer's print dialog has three tabs ("General", "Page Setup", and "Appearance") and the third tab "Appearance" provides the option to select color printing.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
My printer has a similar setting, and that was the first thing I checked. It is set to print in color. I assume from your answer that yEd is expected to print in color when such a printer is available.

It may be that the color calibration is off enough that the default coloring yEd uses is close enough to gray that I don't see the blue tinge.
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