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Bug: Select Elements always selects edge labels

0 votes
As of 3.22, if my graph edges have labels on them, the Select Elements feature always selects the labels and nothing else, regardless of what I ask it to select: nodes, edges.
in Help by (230 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
From your description, I guess you have option "Use These Criteria" enabled for several tabs. Please make sure to enable this option for one tab only.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Hmm, I was under the impression that only the active tab was being taken into consideration in that particular dialog. It's not convenient to have to always uncheck everything. But also, why wouldn't the edges get selected if I asked for them to get selected? Isn't that a bug in its own right?
I agree that it is not a very intuitive UI. You do not need to uncheck everything, though. It suffices to uncheck the "Use These Criteria" options.

Select Elements will not select labels and edges at the same time, because yEd's other features do not support mixed selections.
Makes sense—thank you!
0 votes
For yEd 3.23, the Select Elements tool has been slightly improved and does no longer allow multiple "Use These Criteria" options selected at the same time (except for nodes and bends which may be selected at the same time).
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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