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ENTER doesn't work in menus on Mac

0 votes
When using ENTER on a menu item on Mac, the menu disappears and the item doesn't run. ENTER has the same effect as ESC.

The ENTER key works fine in other apps' menus.
in Help by (230 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Thank you very much for pointing us to this problem.

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about it: this is a problem in Java, please see Enter key does not perform action associated with menu item using ScreenMenuBar.

The only "workaround" is running yEd on Java 8. However, Java 8 has severe drawbacks, most notably

  • officially, it supports macOS up to 10.14 (Mojave) only, and
  • it does not support HDPI configurations (which includes Retina displays).

If Java 8 is an option for you nevertheless, you can get a yEd macOS disk image with Java 8 from the yEd download page.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks. Java 8 is not an option for me, but I'm glad the issue has been noted. I believe this issue is much older than August 2021, I'm surprised it was only reported then.
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