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Left align of group title obscured by button

0 votes
When the text of a group is left aligned, it is obscured by the expand/contract button forcing the user to add several spaces. Please start the label after the end of the button.
in Feature Requests by (970 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
That is already supported: Select the label of your group node, go to the properties table in yEd's lower right corner, enter the text "2 22 2 2" (that twenty-two is not a typo) for property "Insets".
The first number is the inset from top, the second the inset from left, the third is the bottom inset, and the fourth the inset from right.
No text means "use default insets" which is the same as "2 2 2 2".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
Thanks, is there a way to change the default to always do this? I like to have my labels left aligned and I don't want to have to change the insets every time I create a group.
Create a user-defined palette section, right-click an appropriate configured group node, choose "Add to Palette" from the group's context menu, go to the palette and double-click the newly added group node template. After double-clicking, the group template will get a blue background in the palette section and will be used as default group style from then on.
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