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How to restore edge spacing

0 votes

I import chart definitions from an Excel-sheet. To create "input-edges", without a visible source, to a node, I create a node with invisible border and label. In the latest version of yEd the spacing of the input-edges and their labels has changed. Beside that this tool is awsome!

To the right in the image below you see straight line edges and the cluttered edge labels in the diagram.

To the left you see the Neighborhood-pane when after selecting the hidden node. In that pane the edges and labels are spaced nicely, as they were in the diagram in previous version.

I use Hierarchial layout and Groups as Swimlanes.

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1 Answer

0 votes
Make sure property "Placement" is set to "SmartFree: Anywhere" for all of your edge labels. Then go to section "Edge Labeling" on tab "Labeling" of the hierarchical layout settings. Set "Edge Labeling" to "Hierarchic", "Edge Label Model" to "As Is", and  disable "Compact Placement". Finally, run the hierarchical layout algorithm to achieve the desired spacing.

There have been no changes in this regard for several years and certainly not in the latest version.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
That really fixed the spacing, thanks alot!
Probably have been some testing a while ago with remaining wrong values.

I though have a problem with very long edges where  the labels sometimes are placed a quite long way from the edge. Any idea?

And, when importing from Excel, the nodes become larger than their labels. When I then manually select Tools/Fit Node to Label it becomes nice. What I remember is that it earlier were adjusted node sizes directly after the import.


I though have a problem with very long edges where  the labels sometimes are placed a quite long way from the edge. Any idea?

Unfortunately, no.
Can you upload a sample GraphML file that lets me reproduce the problem as well as a screenshots of your hierarchical layout settings?
Please see How to upload files to yEd Q&A? for instructions on how to upload files here.
Please do not start a new thread for this, but either edit your original post or add an answer to this thread.


And, when importing from Excel, the nodes become larger than their labels. When I then manually select Tools/Fit Node to Label it becomes nice. What I remember is that it earlier were adjusted node sizes directly after the import.

In section "Nodes" on tab "Presentation" of the Excel Import settings there is an option "Fit Size to Label". Make sure this option is enabled when importing spreadsheets.
Alternatively, if you are using yEd's properties mapper together with or after importing spreadsheets, check the mapping details. When mapping a property to label text, the mapping offers a "Fit Node to Label" option.

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